lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Expats In Vallarta April Schedule

Expats in Vallarta will be having their Happy Hour gathering on Tuesday April 12th at Langostino’s on Los Muertos Beach from 5:00 to 7:00pm.

Wine and Appetizer evenings are scheduled for Friday April 15th in the Conchas Chinas area and on the 25th in the Versalles area. Please contact early for reservations.

The local group of Expats In Vallarta is open to all ExPat residents, visitors and investors from other countries. The purpose of the group is informal fellowship and assistance for expats around Vallarta or for those considering the area. There is no membership fee or requirement; everyone pays for only what they use or consume.

For further information, check out their new website which provides information about the group.

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